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(630) 606-4332
Welcome to KR Tutoring!
Here is where you will find all of your test prep and college readiness needs.
KRTutor offers ACT/SAT Test Prep in the Western Suburban Area of Chicago. We also offer College essay coaching, as well as any college application questions you may have. Your test prep needs will certainly be met by a Certified Illinois teacher with years of experience in education and test prep.
Personal, in-home tutoring by an expert with proven experience.
ACT/SAT In-Home Private Tutoring
Hire an expert in test prep. The tests are comprehensively covered in every single subject. Save time by having the tutor show up in your home or a specified location near your home.
College Essay Coaching
College essay coaching can be done remotely at a reduced rate. Most of the work is done by the student, and normally essay coaching can be done with less than five hours of time on the tutor's end.
Regular Academic Tutoring
If you are in need of regular academic tutoring such as Calculus or other courses, we have the solution. Ask for more guidance and rate information.